Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap

What Kind of Thing Is It? Histories, Romances, Satire (Ser. I, Ch. 10, Sess. 2)

Doctor Rap

Series I, Chapter 10: What Kind of Thing Is It? Categories of Plays
Session 2: Histories, Romances, Satire

One Satire
False Category: Problem Plays

Notes: The Halliday quotation is from F.E. Halliday, A Shakespeare Companion 1564–1964 (Baltimore: Penguin, 1964), p. 350. The Boas reference is to F. S. Boas, Shakespeare and His Predecessors (London: John Murray, Third Impression 1910), pp. 384–408, accessed at The Thompson quotation is from “Notes on Shakespeare” in Gideon Rappaport, ed., Dusk and Dawn: Poems and Prose of Philip Thompson (San Diego: One Mind Good Press, 2005), p. 224.

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