Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap
Appreciating Shakespeare by Gideon Rappaport is now available as a BOOK (in hardcover and paperback) wherever books are sold. Offering knowledge and tools for appreciating Shakespeare's deep and universal meanings. Published by One Mind Good Press. Check it out.
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Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap
Othello (Series II, Podcast K)
Series II, Podcast K: Othello
Demonic Iago, Angelic Desdemona
Repentance vs. Suicide
3 Key Lines
6 Specific Notes
The quotation of Thomas Mann is from Thomas Mann, Joseph and His Brothers, tr. John E. Woods (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Everyman’s Library, 2005), p. 669. For the Donald Duck psychomachia see “Donald’s Better Self” at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%27s_Better_Self and “Donald’s Decision” at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%27s_Decision. Both Thompson quotations are from “Notes on Shakespeare” in Philip Thompson, Dusk and Dawn: Poems and Prose of Philip Thompson, ed. Gideon Rappaport (San Diego: One Mind Good Press, 2005), p. 220.
Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com